MFM Live: Lessons From Buying Multifamily Property

MFM Mastermind members Bernadeau Charles and Elsa Nguyen will share their insight on their recent acquisition of a 40+ unit property.

About Our Speakers:

Bernadeau Charles:
Bernadeau Charles began his real estate journey in 2017 where he primarily focused on identifying and analysis of multifamily value add properties in Central Florida. Bernadeau started a group called Orlando REI in the central Florida market where he developed and maintained relationships with local investors.
Bernadeau acquired his first property in 2019 and currently has 50 units under management, which he has accomplished in just under 4 years.

Elsa Nguyen:
Elsa has been actively involved in the Real Estate industry since 2002 when she started out as a passive investor and doing fix and flip. In 2016, she left her 15-years of corporate career where she worked as a Controller and Human Resources Director, to be a full-time Real Estate Entrepreneur. Elsa serves as the Principal for One Sunrise Holdings, LLC. where she actively engages in Acquisition, Financial and Asset Management, and Investor Relations. Elsa has a portfolio of over 500+ doors and the number keeps going up.


and we are recording my name is Garrison Gilbert we are
0:08 this is multi-family Masters live we do this
once a month third Wednesday of the month every month Monday oh yeah sorry third Monday of the
month every month uh tons of free content tons of value add
we do this simply because we want to increase our Network number one number two
we want everyone to understand this business we want everyone to know this business we want everyone to be able to
do this business from the ground up because plain and simple we want you closing deals because we want to partner
with you we’re all about surrounding ourselves with good people we’re all about surrounding ourselves with the right people
uh on top of that we have a conference coming up beginning of October first and second uh
Vegas multi-family Masters conference it’s called
1:03 get your early bird special VIP ticket get it now get it
early um and let’s get this party started tonight we have Mr Bernardo Charles we missed Elsa Nguyen this is going to be
hosted by myself Mr pal Chi Mr Ferris Musa my two business partners I’ll
introduce myself real quick uh my name is Garrison Gilbert been buying real estate full-time 21
years I’ve never had a W-2 job um I bought a lot of properties I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my day I
learned this business the old-fashioned way by doing it um my two business partners Mr pouchy Mr
Ferris Musa they’re a lot smarter than myself they have a lot more going on than myself uh go ahead and take away Mr
Powell appreciate that Garrison so uh yeah just a real quick background on me so I live
in Los Angeles so my name is Powell chi I live in Los Angeles um invest out of state so really I have
never invested inside of California all of my investments have been out of state whether they’re multi-family or Self Storage
um really kind of grew my legs with multi-family buying my first apartment building in Indianapolis a year later I
bought another one in Indianapolis um if anybody’s interested I’m gonna sell one of them so uh if you let me
know if you’re interested um uh let’s see if I want to buy your
apartment buildings in Indianapolis how do I get a hold of you I mean let’s see the best way truthfully
is social media so if you are on Facebook join our Facebook group or get on Facebook
um reach out to me that way it’s probably the easiest way I mean I just get bombarded with too many emails so
reach out on Facebook friend me and send a message that you’re interested and uh and then we can go from there um
but happy to talk to you it’s a 40 unit apartment complex in Indianapolis um besides that uh bought a couple more
uh was a general partner on five different syndications uh all large apartment buildings several of them have
sold um several of them are in the process of being sold and and then when uh the
pandemic hit I added a different asset class to my repertoire and I added Self Storage to my repertoire and since then
2021 I bought my first one in January of 2021 uh added five more Self Storage
properties in 2021 so I have a total of six that year 2022 I closed on two more
this year um and I’m working on number three for this year so uh that’s what I’m doing
right now and um super excited to uh super excited to hear from bernardell as well as Elsa
about this about the this property and why don’t I turn it over to ferris ferris you’re here aren’t you
all right thank you pal hello everybody I’m Ferris I do not have a 40 unit in
Indianapolis like pal um for those that know me I’m based in Houston Texas I have a company called disrupt Equity we’re a vertically a
vertically integrated company we have our own management company a few other businesses as well uh we have about 3
000 units or so mostly in the Texas and uh George markets we do actually close our first floor to deal last week and so
continuing to grow and you know I think again like we tell people this business is all about relationships and
networking and just getting educated and so being part of a community being part of a mastermind is a big part of that
and you know I’ve done a deal with Powell and you know I’ve done stuff with Garrison so it’s kind of about growing learning and kind of meeting other
people and so with that said too we’ve done two that’s right two and so you
know stuff works people so you know I tell people get uncomfortable get out there go meet some people and learn to grow and so with that said excited to
hear from Bernardino and Elsa and I will hand it back to Garrison to help introduce them so go ahead Bernadette feel free to
introduce yourself and Bernadette and Elsa put your contact information in the chat below
name cell phone email address text message social media links whatever you
got whatever you want for people to reach out to you um these are individuals that are actually doing deals actually closing
deals these are the type of people that you want to surround yourself with these are type of people that you want to partner with these are type of people
you just want to brainstorm with and be friends with uh let’s start with Well normally I would say bernado but Elsa
ladies first I have to say ladies first Elsa introduce yourself okay thank you guys and hi everyone
thank you for being here tonight my name is Elsa Nguyen and I am from San Francisco Bay Area I have been in the uh
syndication business since 2019 and I did not start it out in multi-family I
started out in Land Development um shortly after that
um we bought that piece of land to do a hotel syndication and shortly after the
pandemic I learned that a hotel is probably not the right access class to
focus on so I switched here over to apartments and that’s when I started to
partner up with um multi-family Masters work with Pearson we have clothes
this is the fourth or fifth builder we close together I can’t remember and uh
come to know a lot of great people met a lot of great people to this program that’s about it
for me take it away my man all right so I’m Bernardo uh based out of Orlando Florida
I started investing in real estate back in 2019 um really I started back in 2017 started
a meet up to kind of learn uh went deep bugs podcasts meetups conferences and
then so I took my first jump in 2019 bought a single family home and from there are duplex and I realized I went I
wanted to go bigger and get cash flow much faster to leave my W-2 so I began
to Branch out into communication as of last year and as you guys know I because my first Dale recently um and so yeah
that’s when I’m here they’re gonna grow awesome and uh Bernadette you know what he is the epitome of what you need to do
if you actually want to do this business you don’t just talk about it you actually go do it I met Bernadette probably Bernadette
he’s in our Mastermind how long ago did you join The Mastermind yeah so I actually went and attended the
multi-founding Master’s conference last year and so when I went there I was like
this is this is amazing I’ve been to a few other conferences but this one was just the way it was framed and um the
way it went it was just so amazing it was a whole different vibe it was um I learned a lot from a minute so I wanted
to join that day um that I went there and so I joined right after okay so you’ve been in The Mastermind
for seven months or so now six seven months five six months yeah a few months
I joined back in novemberish early December yeah and and while we’re talking about the multi-family Masters
conference I got to give a special shout out to Mr Chris Collins what’s up homie he was the emcee at that event I’m
hoping I can get him to Vegas to do some cool stuff with this yeah man I’m gonna put him on the spot and make them stay
yes right here in front of everybody okay it’s funny Chris is really funny
yeah I’ll ask Chris’s agent the fee is a very nominal fee please reach out to me and we’ll coordinate payment yeah Ferris
takes it’s only like it’s like 8.786 it’s some weird number but the good
thing is you know I give 8.76 to Chris and the rest goes
to me as the agent the rest goes to charity he’s a great person everybody and it can all be paid in crypto but no
uh did you think that within five six months you would actually close the 66 unit apartment complex I mean that’s a
pretty big deal that’s a 4.5 million dollar property honestly to be honest I did not I thought it was going to take
me a year maybe a year and a half to get there and so um I was hungry so I kept just
networking underwriting bills calling Brokers on my lunch break in the morning at night so I was just going at it
constantly um until it happened but yeah I thought it was going to be at least a year minimum to get something going so I was
definitely surprised by it good for you man I appreciate that’s awesome yeah I would say vertigo even even a year
truthfully it’s pretty fast for a good sized property like that it takes a while to learn the business as well as
Network enough to to be able to find the people that can help you take down that type of deal right it’s not just like
hey I’m gonna go buy a a 150 000 uh house or duplex or something like that
it’s it’s it can be a significant uh step up from from you know doing that so
that’s that’s great that you were able to do that that fast and we have also on here because he partnered up with his coach in The Mastermind uh so those who
have one-on-one coaching calls and whatnot they created a little bit of a friendship boom let let’s do some business awesome
um so bernado Elsa whichever one tell us about the property how big is it how
expensive is it what class is it tell me anything and everything you know about it like give us some details give us
some of the juicing yeah so this one is 56 units in Columbia
South Carolina uh built in the 1970s um and so we saw this property uh rent
averages were about 775 and the market was about 950 and so uh we jumped on it
it had a lot of uh deferred minutes on it really bad property manager and a
absent landlord or owner so those that definitely opportunity there just for better Improvement of the property
management aspect of it um and again um the market was just high demand for
the rents pushing higher so we just jumped on it and how long ago did you guys close this
deal we just closed this deal I want to say uh last month right so very recently
um it was definitely a long time in the works as far as the negotiations the underwriting uh just uh pretty much
everything I put in the books and the podcast now I was doing that and I didn’t have you know uh time to really
uh took my time really it was myself just hit the grounds running to get it going
so no good for you so you you went to a conference you joined a mastermind and
you’re on podcast is that right yeah I’ve done a few podcasts um you know just talking about my
experience in real estate um again I’m so hungry that I began I started a meet up before I had no
experience at all you know in my market so I just I went at it man and so I’ve been a few podcasts before I even had a
deal and now I’m doing a few more after this um you know I bought this Dylan so I’m just I guess I’m hungry so I’m here
to work good man where’s your meet up at what city what state yeah so I have a meet up in Orlando
um it’s in Orlando Florida we meet once a month this one is you know everything from single family multi-family land
deals um flipping and so if you’re interested please if you’re in the area just let me
know I also just started a multi-family Masters Orlando chapter here in Orlando
and that’s also taking off um two meetups I didn’t I didn’t know that actually I have three but okay good so
um so that’s also going pretty good it’s taking off too and so um yeah man thank you good Alex so do
you have any meetups or what’s your story what do you got going on I I go to a lot of Meetup Garrison but
one of my coaching students and I are actually building a starting a new
Meetup now in the Bay Area and uh our first one is going to be the
first um the second Thursday of July so we
came together we put our brand together and we came up with this uh great Meetup idea so I can’t wait till she’s a she’s
also a real estate she has a real estate background I have a real estate background we have a lot of people that
we know in the real estate business as you know it’s probably a lot easier for
us to reach out to those folks and um you say the real estate business you’re talking Realtors attorneys real
estate Realtors so a lot of this are real estate agents that we know because
before uh doing this uh syndication full time I was working as a real estate
agent so so we do have a quite a big network of people that we know in in the real estate business and this meetup
group is for everybody but I would say Premiere is that we’re going to take it to uh other friends and people that we
know in that space good congratulations awesome uh so with that being said bernado let’s
get into Elsa let’s get into the nitty-gritty let’s talk about the headaches let’s talk about issues that
you had to overcome let’s talk about any mistakes that were made um let’s talk about any wins let’s talk
about any successes um I’d also like to find out how they found the deal right I mean like that’s
uh that’s an important piece of like how’d you guys find the deal all right one of the steps you went through to
find it and actually get it under contract because that’s one of the hardest parts for for people who are starting out yeah so this deal um was
found by one of my partners and so I was honestly just via talking to Brokers right so
um this is a broker that we built the connections over time had lunch with and so uh she had to deal and
sent it over to us and we just underwrote it so we’re just talking to Brokers and it came our way how much
time and effort and energy have you put in the last six months year whatever that time frame is to network with
brokers a lot of energy um any time that I have is either talking to a broker or another investor
and so uh I have W-2 so I have to kind of use time and be an adapt right and so
if it’s a lunch break I’m on the phone it fits in the morning I’m on the phone at night time on my way home from you
know from work I’m talking to an investor or some other individual that may potentially I can add value to or
vice versa good what’s your W-2 job if you don’t mind me asking yeah so I am an engineer by trade so I’ve been I’m
working in the engineering field since 2014 and I’m looking to slowly kind of
leave the field and kind of do this full time oh good for you man full-time job a couple meetups you join them like good
for you for taking action yeah I don’t I don’t sleep much so and I have a daughter are you married you got a
couple kids running around yeah I have all that um honestly um when you’re sleeping I’m not right so
I’m your kids you seriously have kids I have a daughter yeah I would have never how old are you man I am 31
Elsa uh give us something I just want to add that this deal even
though it was introduced to us by a broker but uh I just go I belong that is
also on the MLS so keep in mind folks a lot of time we go to big Brokers Loop
net Craig C or even co-star to fight deals this one was actually on Redfin so
if you’re gonna look for deal uh don’t overlook those places sometime uh you
can find good deals on Redfin just on the MLS so this was actually on the MLS
I’ll throw a little tidbit out there a lot of people also Overlook Loop net
um a lot of those deals have been picked through and looked up if you really dig deep dig into those financial those mom
and pop properties a lot of times you can still have decent deal I’ve come across a few of them in my day
um go ahead pal I apologize I know I was I was just going to kind of echo what you guys were both saying it’s like you
know a lot of times a lot of times they’re in places where you would just think that they’re not you know you would just skip over so
whether it’s Redfin or food net or things like that you know my very first property that I bought the one that I’m
actually talking about selling one that I bought it was on some random website that I literally after 10 minutes after
I found it I didn’t even know how I got there I I couldn’t have gone back it was
like I went to one website and then I clicked to like a bio and then a bio I clicked to like you know see portfolios
and then it clicked to another one I don’t know how I got there but I got to some some random site that I was like
I’ve never seen this property at this on any of the other sites that I’ve been to never seen this property didn’t think it
was real called up the broker immediately and she said yeah uh we’re you know we’re selling this property
it’s been it’s been on market for about two weeks um if you’re interested let me know and
uh eventually I just you know I just jumped on it as soon as I could because I was like I didn’t think that I saw any
other deal that even compared to what I was looking at so I mean I don’t know how to get back to that website but it
was like just some random small website it probably had like six listings on there so it was like tiny little website
that the broker probably didn’t know how to list it on a bigger site or didn’t want to pay for the money for it to be
on a bigger site or I don’t know why but it was wasn’t on any of the bigger sites so and to be honest because yeah I would
have never because I was told you know loopnet is what Bill’s gonna die I mean we all have heard that before and so I
would have never looked at loopnet for deals but now I mean if you look carefully and know what to look for I
guess you know it can happen so I’ve learned that lesson let me let me ask Chris Collins question let me ask Chris
Collins a quick question why I got him on here how do you find all of your deals man you got a lot of customers I
also wanted to weigh in I know people I mean you guys are talking about loopnet I feel like a lot of these things are knowing your Market more than others I
mean if you look on loopnet and you’ve never been to Tucson Arizona and it’s like oh these numbers don’t make sense
but you know that those streets around there hey these are all renting for 1100 and this one’s renting for 750. there’s
a huge Delta well if you’re newer and you just go I don’t know it looks like a terrible property it’s running for 750
these numbers don’t make sense but if you know the market better than everyone
else seeing it then you can see those opportunities that’s just gonna weigh in on that really quick um but yeah I mean to me deals right now
are all about Brokers I personally am not putting in the time to cold call all Sellers and get to know everyone because
I have the relationship with the Brokers and they do that all day so I’ll just leave on them to do that work to be
honest I mean right now it’s you know it’s tough to find deals right now out so that’s literally all they do all day
so I’d rather be in with the Brokers and then they can send you stuff off Market before everyone else sees it is kind of
the best way that I think right now I got a question that I think a lot of
people’s mind what was harder than you guys expected during the deal also in order to do
what was harder um for me I would say finding the lending the terms to make
the deal work right so because this was a project condo
um calling lenders was kind of tough to kind of get some good terms they wanted you know different ltvs much slower and
so um that aspect of it took a while it’s gonna get rolling um for good terms
also Elsa you’re involved in quite a few deals what’s your biggest aha or biggest
takeaway from this deal your biggest headache your biggest wow I can’t believe that happened
I think the number one chat the biggest challenge for me uh is that GP on this
deal was that because I came um I was brought into the deal after uh
do diligence so I did not have a chance to walk every unit which I always do
before I sign off on any contingency I would have I would walk every unit I
would take a millions of photos and I would have all kind of inspectors to
come out and inspect a property um just because I was brought into the
deal after the inspection period I did not have the opportunity to do that so
it was it was very uncomfortable I did go out to the property to walk the
property but I couldn’t get to the inside so I did the best that I could walk the property walk the neighborhood
spend a lot of time there and um I just had to trust what did he
members say the property was because they were walk the property so that was
probably my biggest challenge is that um not not able to do a very diligent job
on the due diligent period during the duration period and also I see that it’s dark in the background you’re actually
you live in California the properties in South Carolina and you’re actually in South Carolina tonight right
yeah so we we closed the property and now we can uh you know of course we own
the property right now and we can go and and look at the property we wanted so actually our team is actually out here a
few of us here today at tomorrow Ashley and we’re going to walk there’s a few vacant units which we’re
gonna walk and we have contractors with us uh and at the same time we’re going to try to get in you know at least 10 to
15 occupy units so then we have a few of what is really like and how much it’s
going to cost for us to fix those um turn those units around so yes it is
dark because I’m actually sitting in my car right now and you’re heading to Statesboro Georgia to check on another
property that you got after this one I only say that because I saw Daryl Brooks just hop on who’s our partner on that property what’s up Mr Daryl uh so go
ahead pal I’m sorry no I mean I’m just interested in hearing you know just kind of more stories like
uh you guys have talked about the uh you know what what was the biggest challenges right and so those are I
think you know like whether it’s big aha moments or big challenges I think those are really important
um in in terms of just so everybody knows too if you have
any questions continue to post them and then we’ll ask those questions at the end we’ll just kind of go on and ask
those questions but and if you’re watching this on social media register for these calls we do this once a month
it’s our multi-family Masters live there’s a huge benefit for you to get on this Zoom uh in about 15 minutes or so
10 minutes or so we’ll open this up to q a number one how often do you get the opportunity to ask someone questions who
just closed on a four or five million dollar property uh number two we’re gonna have a breakout session
that’s what this business is all about not just multi-family Masters we’re formed on our networking aspect that’s
our Meetup aspect of it but you want to hop on these Zoom calls you want to network with these individuals you want
to post videos and and screenshots of this call tonight you want to let everyone know what you do uh what you’re
doing uh in regards to education closing deals Etc et cetera et cetera because you don’t want to wait till the last
minute to raise Capital speaking of which raising Capital Bernadette how
difficult how easy how hard how mind-numbing how whatever your thought
process is man what did you think of your first experience raising big capital and how much did you guys raise as a team yeah so uh raising Capital uh
it’s it’s hard I mean I know you guys have heard the term find a deal and the money will come uh that that is not the
case per se I think you also have to learn how to present the Dell to an investors and so
it’s definitely not something that is easy as people make it seem to be but I
definitely learned how to approach the deal talk to investors and so forth I myself you know raise the of some amount
from family and friends but I’m looking to kind of grow more and talk to other investors and and so forth so so raising
Capital how difficult was it how easy was it what was your thought process there
um definitely not um you know what I have to Echo what
bernado say it’s it’s not an easy thing to do however uh Teamwork Makes
everything possible so we do have a few Rockstar Capital raised in our team and
I’m very thankful that with their help we were able to pull together our Peach
deck uh I would say um within a couple days two or three days because I was actually brought in a
deal about seven days before it was supposed to close and having to raise
almost three million dollars in such a short period of time I couldn’t do it on my own so I had to engage a few people
to help me with that and thankfully you know the numbers was um very strong even
though this is a fractional condo I like South Carolina market a lot we
we look at the comms we look at co-star report and we know there is at least 150
rainbow that we can do on this property easily so with that being said the
numbers are super strong and that make it a little bit easier for us to go to our friends and family we did a 506b so
we hope we could only engage with people that we know so we took it out to them and they they trusted us so we were able
to raise all the money that we needed and clothes to do on time actually to buy the seller wanted to back out last
minute I guess they came to realize that that it’s probably worth more than what they were selling for so they became
extremely difficult on the day of closing and changing that storms on us and we ended up having to go out and
raise an additional six hundred thousand dollars to close the deal and we push it
back for one more week but we managed to get through the finish line and and you know initially we only had
one razor on on board so you know one thing I learned is you know um for the other size you can’t just have one razor
on your team right you need multiple razors that we’ve experienced to be able to raise so much Equity you know for a
Delta size it’s team sport my man right yeah I would like to you know like
certainly hear more about um you know the pointers uh that you could point out the mentioning of like
how to raise Capital like you know what way is that always that you could tell the audience like that would help them
be able to raise Capital better or uh what what things that you learned but I’d also like to Echo that not only is
like if you have one person raising Capital that that can be a sort of a dangerous situation that you could get
yourself a sticky situation it’s also the same for your investor so if your
investors um if you only have one big investor so say you’re raising I don’t know what you
guys said three million dollars or something you’re raising three million dollars you have one investor who’s going to come in for like 2.5 or I don’t
know two million even if it’s a million you’re counting on that one person for 33 percent you know of your whole raise
that person could pull out at any time and have any sort of emergency or any
time to feel like I don’t really want to do this deal uh no I actually got a better deal sorry somebody else offered
me more and I’m going to be part of the GP or something whatever I want to put my million dollars somewhere else and
you could be out and hurting really badly uh so you don’t really want to put yourself in that position where you have
one big investor as well so whether there’s one big razor one big cap uh one
big investor but love to hear uh from you Bernadette or Elsa um any any tips
to uh for anybody that is you know in this process of uh raising capital or talking to their friends and family how
to talk to friends and family uh not you know not just posting on social media or things like that what what are the
things that you would do to sort of Harbor these relationships and be able to raise capital in the future
so so I think what I learned in in this process you know um was that you don’t sell the deal per
se you just talk about the opportunity and you present it and you know if people are interested great if not you
just kind of move on but you don’t really try to like sell them and kind of you know be so aggressive to that you
know it turns them off so I’ve learned to kind of just be calm here’s the opportunity it’ll be a great to have you on board if not we understand we have
more coming down the pipeline we’ll stay in touch so
erasers that you [Music] um we’re going to build up our reputation
we got to build up our brand so people know um that we are not the type of sponsor
who um throw out all kind of promises and not able to keep those so establishing
those relationship even before you uh and I’m talking about a 506b right now
because we we can only go to people that you know so just you know just making sure that the numbers are strong have a
database of people that you know and keep on engaged with them and this is why I go to meet up and I have my own
Meetup Group because I want to be able to establish relationship with this folks but to me the most because I came
from an accounting background where I work uh close to 20 years at crunching numbers uh and and so number is is just
I just know number like the back of my hand and I get to know the in and out of everything so when I look at deal I
underwrite I’m very very carefully so with that I’m very confident when I
go and I talk to my investors because I don’t just take other people’s work for
it I do my own research I underwrited you I look at every aspect of the deal
so whenever I talk to people I know exactly what I’m delivering to them and I recommend that if you are going to
work with people raising Capital uh you get a master you’re underwriting don’t
just take the sponsor or the you know other people’s work for it you need to know the in and out of it you need to do
your research on rent comps you really need to do your research on the capex expense and this is why like I didn’t
get to do the the due diligence and that was difficult for me because my capex
expand was an estimate that I wish I could have have a woman accurate numbers
I think we’re pretty close to it I would probably budget a little bit more after
it now that I know the the deal is a little bit more but again you know this
is some of the aspect of the deal that we want to know uh prior to going and
talk to our investors yeah definitely makes sense
let’s field a couple questions from the audience pal okay sure let me uh rewind
here I I do want to add one quick thing I apologize I was double muted you know I’ve referenced a ton of money and
raising money is not you don’t raise money whenever you have a deal right you raise money
before you have a deal and what that really means is it’s about building your
reputation right getting people excited and essentially all of the prep work
that you do beforehand so whenever you have a deal it’s like what Bernardino says right you’re really explaining the
opportunity maybe answering some questions you’re not selling the deal if you’re selling the deal whenever you got
to build a contract you know you’re doing it the hard way and you’ve probably did it way too late right for
those who want to raise money it’s about all of the legwork and prep work they need beforehand like a disrupt Equity
I’m very meticulous with what we communicate and how we communicate it right there’s a lot of thought that just
needs to go into how do you prep your investors how do you seed your investors how do you set yourself up for success
and so you know for those on the call definitely give that some thought because really it’s about the homework
dated beforehand right like Bernard has said you know with if with the right deal the money will show right and as we
kind of learn it’s a little harder than expected and you know the money will show in the sense that hey there’s people that’ll get excited that are
Partners will help you get it across the Finish Line right that’s what that really means but for those of you that are looking to directly raise money
yourself it’s really about the prep work that you do beforehand
speaking of the prep work when you go to conferences take those business cards utilize those
that contact information when you’re on zooms like this if you look in the chat below there are 5 10 15 I don’t know
there’s a few email addresses contact information utilize that utilize your CRM utilize all the resources around you
in today’s environment when you see someone closing deals on social media on Facebook on wherever become friends with
that person hang out with other individuals who are doing something that you want to be doing don’t go to
conferences grab all these business cards and come home and do nothing with them it’s extremely easy to take a hot
lead and turn it into a code lead it’s very time consuming and very difficult to take a warm lead and turn it into a
hot lead but that’s what this business needs and it takes consistency yeah what the is this a charity
event kick rocks both
let’s go ahead and delete that guy okay uh I removed him we should be good I
feel like that was adding a lot of value personally but okay Chris that was
salima man first question from the audience this is Def
equal the answer to this but bernado you’re a successful engineer you have a good job you make good money you got a
family why go from the passive side of investing to the active side man why give yourself a job why why why why why
why great question you know I I kind of I went down the traditional route of you
know going to school going to college getting my degree um you know I got a job I thought I had
made it um but when I what I realized man I’m just not happy being in a cubicle just working away and so I wanted to be able
to change that and have my time back that’s honestly what I wanted and so I realized I could do it passively but I
enjoy Real Estate I enjoyed talking to people I enjoy numbers and so I wouldn’t be in this business um actively and I have time just goes
bye and I don’t mind it in University where at my job I’m looking up what time
is it is it time to go home yet you know so it’s just it’s a different environment for me and so I want to be
able to get my time back from my daughter and my wife myself my family and I’m able to do that via real estate
investing and I enjoy it so it’s a plus um so that’s uh that’s my why
perfect my answer to that question is who wants a full-time W-2 job I don’t care what you do I don’t care how much
money you make if you got to wake up to an alarm clock Bernadette when was the last time you set an alarm clock to wake up uh this morning okay so next time I
set an alarm clock to wake up I don’t even remember then there’s nothing wrong with that but
the goal is to live life on your terms right my man yep uh so with that being said pal hit me
with the next question um okay this is a question just just talking about kind of a team makeup so
just wondering did uh all your team members raise capital or did you just have a couple people on the raising
Capital side so we had a few people on Race Capital um initially we thought it was going to
just be one one person like one-man Razer we learned pretty fast that was not a good way to go and so
um the few people on board to raise capital and going forward now we know we can’t just have one main person to rely
on because you never know what could happen Downstream number one it’s a team
effort number two raise more Capital than what you need if you have soft commitments for one million and you need
one million you better go raise a couple hundred thousand dollars extra because a couple people are going to back up back out Chris Collins have you
ever had someone back out they tell you hey man I got money for you I want to invest with you I got a hundred thousand
I’m gonna send you the money and you don’t get it have you ever had that happen every time
every time there’s never something that doesn’t happen I mean uh you know for me
I kind of keep like an ongoing list I mean I have on my board here of kind of like your your hard people who are like
hey man I got 100K on your next deal just let me know is it ready it was your next deal is your night so those people
you’re like they’re not gonna back out and then you have the people who are kind of um you know they hit you up and say hey
man I’m definitely interested in this I’m looking and you kind of get out of them they’re looking to deploy like 50 to 100 Grand but they’re not really like
hitting you up they’re like this soft you know so I try to keep a list and I kind of have a running tally of like how
much roughly I could raise today and then you know there’s always a stretch
like beyond that you can kind of reach out and try to get more but they’re always I mean there’s there’s
never a time when someone doesn’t back out for me at least maybe that’s just you know that’s just life and reason
that doesn’t happen I think you’re probably not pushing yourself you know your Network’s not growing yeah
I’m gonna throw my question out because I’m on the mic so um I was I was curious you know this it’s been a tough time right now to
raise Capital Financial landscape is tumultuous at best like it’s shifting everywhere people’s stock portfolios and
tank you know so what were some of the concerns that investors hit you with where they deal specific were they like
hey financially in the whole financial world like what were the challenges that you came across and you know how did you
overcome those or was every investor just like sure here’s my check everything’s great
most of the investors that we work with on this deal did not concern too much
about the do yourself though after we closed I had a couple people that came
to me and asked about the um the condition of the property the rent bumps
um and um you know we know that the market kind of slowed out a little bit so what we
had projected for the rent increase we could not achieve that so uh uh probably
currently at 7 50 and when we took over the the neighbor property which I’m
going to walk tomorrow was rented out for 1200 so we listed our 11 30 and two
weeks after that the PM came to us and said you know what they dropped the price to 900. so I’m like okay and um so
that was some of the things that we need to make the adjustment I think we still have enough room in there but that’s I
had a few concerns about that asking us like you know how as far as the
stabilization do you think you still can hit the protective returns um but other than that I didn’t I didn’t
have a lot of hiccups
awesome are you having are you having hiccups right now Chris is that why you asked or what what are you seeing in the
landscape of today’s environment I mean I’ve been on five five calls this week from various people who are like is
it is it rough for you right now like we’re trying to raise we’re like short on this race Like It’s just tough this
is I mean the last like two weeks so maybe you guys closed at a great time like you know a month before things got
really bad but it’s it’s generally I think people are a lot more scared
across the board um which you know depends on your thesis like for me it’s like a good buying
opportunity but it’s tougher to raise capital in that time um and so for me I’m just like doubling
down on content and getting my name out there but like you know if you’re raising Capital today it’s not
necessarily easy I don’t think so oh stocks you know they’re portfolio drops so uh I had uh one or two
investors but they were gonna put off money I want to invest from the IRA and it kept dropping so they started out at
100 and they went down to 75 and it went out to 50. so that’s definitely
understandable but Chris real quick are you finding you got
a sweeten a deal at all then with the investors you are working with then on some of this stuff because not only
stock market but crypto’s getting slaughtered you know everything’s kind of down so people are turning up a
little bit but I’m guessing guessing to kind of unfold over the next
couple weeks couple months uh probably gonna have to change with the landscape of today’s environment a
little bit would you agree with that Chris I mean so I’m full I’m not raising
for any deals today right now so I don’t have that specific issue Daryl this is
kind of more of a general like I have people hitting me up to raise capital and people hitting me up to talk about deals and that they’re having problems
with but personally I wouldn’t change your deal structure um I I wouldn’t be looking to like
sweeten the deal or change the underwriting I think that it’s more about having your to me it’s kind of
having your investors preface up front I always say that I don’t want People’s First fifty thousand I want their second fifty thousand so like it just is a
phrase because if someone’s that then where the stock market drop is really
impacting their ability to invest then maybe they should have a money you know let’s talk about this for six months down the road where you set money aside
just for Real Estate um but I you know I know Daryl’s been doing this a lot longer than I have so
I’m still kind of learning here as well but for me I wouldn’t be you know I don’t think I’d be trying to
change my ideal structure to address that I mean I’ve seen you know one of my deals we were in
um they’re looking at taking on preferred equity which is changing investor returns because we had you know they were taking less at the end of the
day less money out of the deal so you can always look at preferred Equity if you’re
um you know looking to raise money and having a tough time with individual investors as well
gotcha thanks yeah all right we’ve got another question here for you uh bernadill
um this is kind of looking towards the future here and uh you know how many doors or what number are you targeting
before you leave your W-2 so like down the road here what do you what do you what are you targeting so I I don’t have
a door count my number is the number that is going to exceed my income at my
job so that number is fixing my brain so as soon as I hit that number I’m walking away and then I’m going to keep going
forward so really um it’s not more so door count but just cash flow that I can just leave my
active you know job so yeah that’s good I was going to say door count is door count is one of those very very uh I
don’t know nebulous type of things where like you know if you have if you own the whole property it’s a very big
difference between that and say you split it up with a bunch of different people it’s your door count is very you
know the percentage that you own the equity that you own is very different so care about your bank account
good good uh let’s see I’m going down more questions here
question came up from Queenie uh let’s see have you made any mistakes in your multi-family uh investing journey and
what have you learned from them any other mistakes that you uh like to discuss
uh yeah so we made a lot of mistakes on this deal um how much time do you have
um so uh one that I could say right now we did not walk out of the units I mean that’s that’s something that for sure
next time we’re walking all the units um not gonna not do that
um what else did we not do uh an official inspection was not done on this property
we had a few GCS initially in our teams with 20 plus years of experience so that
kind of led us astray from doing that because they’ve done it themselves and that was a big mistake
um there’s a lot more I mean I could I could talk for hours of mistakes so sure but truthfully one of those things
burned though you know when you do your first one you’re gonna make mistakes I mean this is it’s very easy on this side
to say oh we should I should have inspection should have should have walked every every floor or every every
unit you’re always going to make mistakes and you’re going to make a bunch more and like certain like other deals you do as well it’s really about
like learning from those mistakes so it’s not a it’s not a bad thing to make these mistakes and it’s not but it’s not
a it’s more of a bad thing to learn from though and and you you know so and don’t feel like you got
to know everything just because you do one deal I mean there’s there’s many people out here that many many deals continue will still make mistakes right
and so don’t feel like hey just because I did one deal and people are asking me questions and I get on a podcast that I
gotta know everything it’s like you don’t have to know everything there’s there’s a ton out there that that everybody’s consistently learning so
that that’s more important yeah um question came up about uh the I think
that’s just to you uh Elsa as the why was the seller this for Marcus why was the seller able to apply that kind of
pushback given that you had a contract in place this was I think talking about towards the end uh making you either
um you had to change the terms or raise more capital or you had to do something right at the end
foreign we’re supposed to close if I remember
correctly which is the end of April and he changed the loan terms on us so part
of this part of this was seller finance that uh wasn’t mentioned earlier so those are the terms that were changed
yeah okay yeah that makes sense so and technically I mean if we had a choice at
that time to say hey you know what it’s not us but not closing right now it is you so if we don’t agree to it then I
would assume that you’re going to return audit process and we don’t have a deal but at that point in time I felt I I
felt that the deal was too good to walk away so we try to make it work and I we
were able to I was able to let’s say we we were able to negotiate the interest rate down by uh 0.5 so initially he had
it at 5.5 interest only for five years and I told him look if you want me to
give you more money um then you’re gonna have to take that rate down by 0.5 so back and forth
finally he agreed to do a five percent interest only and if you remember you know the beginning of may end of April
rate has already gone up we did have a term sheet from uh old capital but their
interest rate was I think six or six and a quarter I can’t remember so it was it was way higher than what we could have
got with this guy and um we we raised like you know Garrison mentioned we should always write extra
money and we did we had I think we we raised three hundred thousand dollars extra so I’m like you know what we do
have some extra money sitting here uh need to raise a couple hundred thousand dollars more but if we underwrite a
number that you’ll still work with the lower interest rate so we went ahead and
and make it work um because I thought that you know we could understand where I was still worth
six six and a half million dollars so it’s it’s um let’s do a good deal awesome awesome it makes sense that it’s
seller financing so that’s why he could change the terms all of a sudden right at the very end which is
that’s uh yeah okay hey Ferris we got a question for you you there you there first
I’m here all right awesome got a question for you it says uh it’s from Gabriel says I’d love your perspective
on how you would finance a deal if you had to close 60 days out from now any worries about a three one one loans
all right well I just so happen to be someone that closed the deal last week and closing the deal next week and
another 160 days from now also um ripe to kind of speak of it the first
thing I’ll say is you know think about what you’re doing on your
value-add right what is your intention with this deal the reason I say that is the biggest
concern that I have as a buyer with my deals you know outside of interest rate
out of the short term it’s really what does it look like whenever I get to that refi right and how do I buy myself
enough time to get to that refi right so having a 3-1-1 helps because obviously you can get the extensions but the thing
a lot of people ignore during that is you know to get those extensions outside
of the cost there’s certain thresholds you need to meet and so we always negotiate kind of what those thresholds
look like from a debt yield perspective just to give us more Runway right and a lot of things hate is to think you’re going to get a extension in year three
and they’re like well sorry the deal is not hitting this debt yield that you need to be at so that’s a big one to
think about and negotiate the other thing to think about really is what do your interest caps look like
those things have gotten really expensive right from the example I like to give is you know we close the deal
this past Monday so a week from today on the Friday before right meaning like literally the the previous business day
that was whenever the news came out about inflation being high in between the Friday that we were quoted for the
rate cap and the Monday whenever we close our interest cap went up you know 150 000 dollars
so on a 500 000 just cap I mean it went up twenty percent so just realize those have cost and
you know think about the structure right now me personally again I don’t think Sky High inflation
is going to be here for the long term right I don’t think this guy Rachel gonna be here for a long term but I am concerned in the two to three years
so you know the FED has raised rates on average right I think something like 18
months and you know the most I’ve ever done was 27 months I went and actually looked up the data myself it was that
Saturday at the raw fed data and so realize that right there’s a chance that
it goes on for a year and so how do you work through that and that’s where for us we’re going in low leverage the first
thing on the loans right with a little leverage you can usually get better debt to begin with and the other piece of that is also just having plenty of cash
in the bank you know investors are not going to be mad that you gave them a little bit less return they will be mad
if you lost their money so first rule you know Warren Buffett says it’s about not losing investor money
then there it’s about okay how do we you know maximize returns
it’s a great thing uh I mean great perspective to have somebody’s uh you know who’s got the experience
something’s closing like three Deals in like a month within the month’s time frame so that’s awesome
uh we got another question from Daryl Brooks uh this is probably for uh you know Elsa like what are your thoughts on
value add versus buying for cash flow right now not typically a lot of money to go around until the property is
stabilized so buying uh cash flow deals that are stabilized versus deals that are valued
at what are your what are your thoughts on that I always
I always go for both cash flow and value ad so there are uh so Daryl I think the
only property that I have that has no cash flow is actually the one that you’re working on with us right now and
States borrowed because that’s like a total 100 rehab but for the most part
Kirsten and I uh we try to find deals that um will give us at least enough return
to pay the pref to our investors and then the equity piece come later I know
there’s a little bit more difficult to find and um but
um I I feel more comfortable you know having right in that distribution check
every month to them um just somehow it gives them that piece of security assuring that you know that
they’re not putting their money into a hole so um
so that’s just my my strategy it takes a lot more underwriting for me to do a lot
more deals that I have to look at I don’t close as many deals as other people but for the most part the deals
that I close I almost always able to pay the pref to our investors until the uh
until we can stabilize the assets then they get equity times so I’m in the same boat and I think
that’s why I can’t find as many of those as I’d like because I’m looking for cash flow and also why you add deals right
even on my smaller units I do the same thing so um if it doesn’t cash flow day
one um you know I’m probably not gonna look at it much longer
all right awesome with that being said Pals or any other questions that we need to fly
through before we open this thing up to uh breakout sessions
um the ones are probably a little bit more difficult no so we can we can open it up I think we’re good I think we’re
good to go awesome so with that being said if you are not live on this Zoom if you’re watching this on social media
this is where we break out into breakdown sessions this is where I’m going to end the uh the social media
aspect of it make sure you hop on this call every month third Monday of the month multi-family Masters live free
content to anyone looking to buy their first or their 51st apartment complex if
you want to go to a conference Vegas October 1st and 2nd uh multi-family Khan
c-o-n uh that’s our
54:43 conference Las Vegas um on top of that we have a mastermind
Bernadette Elsa involved in our Mastermind we want you understanding this business inside and out because we
want you closing deals because we want to partner with you if you’re not a member of our Facebook group find us
55:03 I’m going to end the social media aspect we’re going to break out into a couple breakout rooms
and then just to give everybody a heads up we’re going to come back from the breakout session I’m going to let this
channel open we’re going to close it out but I’m going to let this channel open until the last person hops off here this
is where the real networking happens oftentimes I’ll come back and look at this channel literally one two hours
later and Frank Greco uh he will absolutely be putting on a show and be
putting out all kinds of contact information things I say that hopefully he stays on here tonight uh that’s his
call for sure but that dude knows his stuff inside and out and he’s always on here and networking with people such as
Bernadette I see Bernadette on here all the time so let’s hit some breakout sessions
and we will end the breakout sessions in about 10 minutes
share contact information share stories get to know one another
and connect once again after you hop out of multi-family Masters

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